The Shy Knitter

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Things that aren't what they appear to be....

This, believe it or not, is lettuce that was growing in my garden. It started out like any other head of lettuce, but it kept growing until it was about 4' tall. The leaves were getting to be a bit thick, and I didn't think it would make very good eating so it is now in the compost (to feed next year's head of lettuce).

Knitting can be very deceiving too. Knitting is often perceived as being a solitary activity with very little interaction with other people around you. This maybe true when counting or following an intricate pattern, but it actually lends itself to being a sociable endeavor. Stitch'n'bitch sessions have been quite popular in the last few years, and it is almost although the traditional "bee" (as quilting) have made a comeback just as knitting has.

Then there are people like myself who like knitting, and like people, but have some difficulty in putting the two together. Being somewhat intraverted and socially shy, I have found it incrediably difficult to 'get out there' and meet other knitters. It seems that anytime I got to a knitting event, I think that everyone knows everyone else, and find it easier to continue knitting and listen rather than socializing. Perhaps that isn't a bad thing, but the point is to interact.

I have the good fortune of having friends at work who are avid knitters, and I am blessed to come from a family of knitters, but expanding on that circle has been a bit of a challenge. What has been your experience? Do you prefer to knit alone, or in a group? How do you meet new knitters?


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