The Shy Knitter

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My poor little blog, how I have neglected you....

First there was the three week trip to Asia/Australia, and then there was all the snow that I had to shovel when I came back. I must admit, it has always been difficult to put pictures to words, and much of what I used to do on my blog is now on Ravelry.

So, I think in future I will be posting little knitting stories that I come across....either from myself or others I have spoken to.

Here is today's:

I was knitting at a support group the other evening, while I was waiting for all the members to show up. When the facilitator showed up, I shook her hand and she noted it was a nice firm handshake. I said thanks, it is from all the knitting I do. Everyone in the room for a moment stopped and thought about what I just said. Finally, I broke the silence by saying 'Kiddin, just kiddin.'


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