The Shy Knitter

Saturday, September 22, 2007

False starts....

This is kind of like false labour, but with knitting. It seems every time I start a new project, no matter how basic or how complicated, it takes me 2 or 3 tries before the project actually gets underway. I really thought it was just me who was affected by this affliction, but both my mother and my cousin Rosie from England confirmed to me yesterday they are under the same curse.

After 3 goes at it, I finally got the topdown sweater under way. This is after I properly guaged my knitting and all the rest. My final cast on was the same day we went for our 2 day mini holiday up in Tobermory with my parent's, my cousin Rosie and her husband Ron. They have been up there for the better part of the past week, but Heather and I could only squeeze in 2 days (better than nothing). The view was fantastic, the food was fantastic (Ron cooked dinner Thursday night, it was yummy) and I spent time knitting with both mom and Rosie. Dad painted his watercolour landscapes while he was up there, which goes to prove I come from creative genes (I love my knitting genes from my mom, but wish I had painting genes from my me, I don't).

The other false start I had is with the Ascot. After having it 1/2 done, the provision cast on f*cked up (or maybe I should say I did) and I had to undo what was worked on. I am back to the same point I left off at last time (but included a 'safety line' in the cast on this time) and hope to start the second half tomorrow (please, please, please work).


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